Sunday, October 23, 2011


I'm not sure if anyone checks into this site anymore, my last entry was in April just prior to Pam's memorial. For those of you that could not make it, it went well and was heartbreaking and wonderful at the same time. Standing room only. So many people coming up to me on the way to the reception hall I was overwhelmed. A blur of fragmented conversations.
Myself, David, Pia, Axel, Billy, Zac and of course Jack all went to Tiarra del mar for the rest of the weekend and spread her ashes on Cape Kiwanda.
I seem to be doing okay, therapy has helped. There are good days and bad. The sleepless nights are infrequent instead of the norm.
This Thanksgiving I will be traveling to Boulder, spending time with David, Pia and my 13 month old grandson Axel!! I am so looking forward to seeing them all. Jack will be spending that time with some dear friends who happen to have Jack's half Sister, Theona. Watching them togeather is hysterical!!
I have recieved several emails from folks checking in which has been good for me. A few close friends are still in touch and I see them frequently. I have re-connected with a couple very good freinds from High School and am enjoying their company when we get togeather.
I have taken "Milagro" out several times and hope to make extended voyages next year aboard her, a circumnavigation of Vancouver Island is the plan.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Memorial reminder

Pam's memorial is April 23rd. @ 10:00 am. the address is posted below in earlier post. There will be a reception following the service. Hope to see you all there Ben

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

It's been a long while since I last posted, so many reminders, memories and tears. I spent this last weekend compiling photos/videos for a slideshow to play at the reception after the memorial, scanning the pre-digital shots, the early years photo albums. Then jpegs off of 5 computers. A long and difficult weekend, but I re-discovered some wonderful memories. It will take a while to sort out the ones to be used.

I want to thank Sylvia Smith, Alan & Juliann Barker, Marleen Wallingford, Jane Nicholson and Anne Schagen for making donations to the "Friends of Trees", Young native trees will be planted in Pam's memory.
You can visit their website

Friday, February 11, 2011

memorial address

Here is the link and address to Betty's church where the memorial will be. SW Park Avenue · Portland, Oregon 97201 · (503) 228-9211

Monday, January 24, 2011

Memorial Date

Pamela's memorial:
Saturday 10:00 am April, 23rd. 2011
I will post the address soon.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Come see Mariah play

My niece Mariah is in town over the holidays from Nashville, she will be playing this Saturday night @7:30pm at the Hawthrone Theatre on 39th and SE. Hawthrone. Come join us!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

The new year

The holidays swept in suddenly and have passed just as quickly. More like a trial by fire. The highlights: Zac spent christmas eve. at home, Billy and Teal were here christmas morning after being with the Senders family, everything was as years past. I made German Pancakes in the oven that is quickly losing its capacity to bake..the circuit board /chip is malfunctioning.

Later we all went over to Betty and Duane's for christmas dinner with the rest of the family. Pam's sweaters that she had knitted for her sisters and nieces were opened with tears. Becky recieved a wonderful scarf and wore it the whole evening.

I took down the tree and stored the decorations on Sunday.

New Years was spent quietly here at home with Jack. Several long walks. Bill and Debbie came by later after a movie and we sat chatting as the new year rolled in. Another attempt at baking in the rapidly expiring oven making my moms Mountain Pie.

David Pia and Axel spent their first Christmas at their home in Boulder, they were missed.

I was shocked to see the cost of decent gas ranges, well, the ones I looked at started at 2500.00 all the way up to 4800.00. Dacor & Wulf. The repair equals the original cost of range for the old one, not quite worth it.

Tomorrow it's back to work, hopefully preliminary hardscape will have been completed so we can finally sink our teeth into this project.

All and all the holidays were very flat for me, I'm glad it's over.

On a more positive note for all you folks that sent cards thank you! those are still hanging on the kitchen door.

I do hope that this year things get better for everyone.
