Monday, March 22, 2010

Jack had a ball running and digging in the sand at Cannon Beach last weekend. As much as he enjoyed running though, he still begged for a ride in Dad's arms as he got tired. 
As you can see from these photos, the camellias and magnolias have been beautiful this year. Do I appreciate everything more, or is it that I have the time, now that I am not working, to notice more? This has been such a glorious transition into spring,and it's only just begun! For the past 3 days, i have spent as much time as I can working in our gardens. I am delighted.

On Wednesday, I am scheduled for another chemo session, and then the following week will be my last. I am looking forward to be done with this phase.

Hope you are enjoying the beginning of spring.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Jack was a real trooper on his first real outing. He trotted and sniffed all over Elk Rock Garden at Bishop's Close. When I thought he might want a rest and ride in my arms, he wriggled out, like, "Do it my SELF!" The magnolias and other blooming plants were beautiful. Here are a few pix.

These are early bloomers in my garden. Mom says the cherry blossoms are down hill from Ainsworth School. I wouldn't know; they don't let me walk away from home yet. Soon we are driving to the Bishop's Close above River Road to see blooming magnolias and euphorbia. I bet Mom will post pictures of those later. She's a nut about flowers. They seem to make her happy, almost as happy as when she's playing with me.