Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Good news! We met with the oncologist this afternoon to review the results of the CT scan from Friday. The scan was clear, no evidence of cancer. He doesn't want to see me again for three months, which sounds like a long time to me. At that time, more CT scans and blood work will be done. Hopefully by then I will have gained a few pounds. The doctor would like to see a couple pounds a month. I'm starting now at 99#, so in three months, maybe I will rock the scale at 105# or more. I'm going to continue to concentrate on eating and resting, along with yoga, walking, knitting, reading, visiting, and gardening. Thanks to each of you who have been sending positive energy and prayers my way.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Here is Jack after his first bath in the kitchen sink. He tolerated it pretty well. Later we joined Janet on a walk in Marshall Park, which was full of blooming trillium.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Jack the Norfolk Terrier

I couldn't help but post a few video clips of Jack in action. I censored out the true meaning of a "tea bagger" in the big teddy scene...

Friday, April 2, 2010

Wednesday was my last session of chemo. I am glad to be done with getting stuck by needles for a while, hopefully a long while. The next step is to see the results of the CT scan set for April 9. I am ready to switch gears and concentrate on cleansing myself of the chemo, gaining weight, and building energy. My yoga practice, the teachers, and many friends, have been a life saver. Most days I start with a yoga session followed by a visit with friends, sometimes a walk. Yesterday, I joined Leslie and her retired colleagues on a walk in Oregon City. The pictures show the Willamette Falls and a florific neighborhood street.

Some of you have mentioned frustration with not being able to leave comments on this site. Not understanding it myself, I am of no help, but if you want to email me directly, I would love to hear from you:

Jack continues to amuse us and warm our hearts. Ben just said that he hadn't laughed so much in a long time. I would agree. His latest trick, which he taught himself, is to jump up onto a low stool in the kitchen, look perky and darling, and expect to be rewarded with a treat. Who is training whom?

Hope you all are finding joy in daily experiences.
Take care....Pamela