Wednesday, December 2, 2009

I had my first post-operative appointment with the surgeon today, and I feel like a huge weight has lifted from my shoulders. First of all, I learned that he did not have to remove any of my stomach. (Immediately my stomach felt better to know that!) He was very pleased with my progress so far, 4 weeks post-op. When explaining about the chemotherapy they are recommending, he said that I had responded very well to the first rounds of chemo. The evidence was that the tumor had shrunk from 4 cm (measured on the 1st CT) to 8 mm at surgery. He said my response to the chemo (and radiation I assume) was in the top 5% of patients. The reason to repeat the chemo after surgery is that statistics show that those who do have the chemo live longer than those who don't and that most patients have some cancer cells floating in them somewhere after surgery. I'm not too worried about the chemo as it wasn't that hard on my body before (as far as I could tell), and it will be the same chemical, although stronger. We'll know more about the chemo plan after I see the oncologist on 12/18. The best news I heard today was that 20% of patients surviving the surgery have no recurrence of the cancer. I didn't think that was possible. Needless to say, I am aiming to be among that 20%, and we believe it is reasonable to believe I could be. Now I need my body to start processing the food I eat better so I can stop losing weight and begin putting the pounds back on. I have lost 15# since the surgery 4 weeks ago, and it's not pretty. I'm 30# lighter than I was when I was paddling outrigger and very fit. I was never this thin even in high school when I admired the model Twiggy and counted calories like a maniac. I trust that pretty soon my body will be back to normal and that eventually I will not have a problem gaining weight.
It's a beautiful sunny, cold day here in Portland. Pretty soon I will talk to my friend Wally about the bathroom remodel we're planning in January. After that, I hope to talk Ben into a brisk walk in the sun.
Take care.

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