Monday, December 21, 2009

Norfolk terrier pups, born December 8th, at 1 week old

A week has past. Mid-week I had dropped a couple more pounds, discouraging, but yesterday I was back up to a whopping 103#. Maybe I have stopped dropping. That would be nice. I am eating all the time, really I am. Even in the middle of the night if I wake up early. I saw the surgeon and the oncologist last week. Today I will see the GI doctor. Some concern over these 7 weeks of diarrhea, but we have ruled out infections. All my blood work is good. The oncologist seemed pleasantly surprised, above average it seems. The GI doctor may have more info and advice today. We have a tentative start date for chemo, Wednesday 1/6. Most likely the sessions will continue on Wednesdays, 3 in a row with the 4th Wed off, for 3 months. Not too bad. I will be asking for rides to and from the treatments, looking forward to reading or knitting by myself during the treatments.
Ben put a hefty deposit on one of the Norfolk terriers I mentioned last week, a unilateral decision I would like to add. Seems this will be his dog. He plans to take him to work each day. Hopefully I'll get to know him in the evenings and weekends! If you're interested, you can Google Jackpot Kennels in Junction City, OR. Look for new puppies available for adoption. They are cute.
I just talked to Billy in Sweden this morning. He finished his work there and will have a free day in Orebro tomorrow. Wednesday he will fly from Stockholm to amsterdam, play in Amsterdam a day, then fly non-stop to Portland on Thursday. David and Pia are flying into Portland Tuesday night. We are looking forward to being with them and Zac for Christmas.
Merry Christmas to all of you.

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