Sunday, September 13, 2009

Sunday morning, another beautiful morning!
Friday I awoke before dawn, before my alarm, eager to start another day. I had missed a week of yoga classes and my yoga community of friends. As Ben drove me in to the MAC, I inhaled the cool breeze fluttering through the open windows and sun roof of his sporty Porche. I felt quite alive and vibrant with the possibilities the day seemed to hold.
I have been soaking up these crisp and bright late-summer mornings with a thirst for living. Although I have strong and high hopes for continuing to live, I also feel an urgency to live life to the max, something that concerns my husband, and occasionally me, because it is hard to stay in bed and just sleep. Last night was another night when thoughts kept racing through my head of all I wanted to do, make and see, all the books I wanted to finish reading (stacked high beside my bed), all the people I wanted to connect with again and again, and all the places I wanted to explore by land, rail, and air.
I have plans, big plans. In a month we will drive south to stroll among and ponder the ancient redwoods and linger along the warm southern Oregon coast. After my surgery in October or November, David and Pia will join us for Thanksgiving, and I will be able to eat turkey, cranberries, sweet yams, and pumpkin pie! In the spring we will drive to Colorado making a loop through Idaho (Tonya), Utah (Arches National Park), Colorador (the Rockies and Dave and Pia), Montana (Glacier National Park), and maybe Wyoming (Alex and Yellowstone National Park). In spring 2011, we (hopefully this includes a happily sedated Ben) will fly to Europe with Billy (celebrating the end of 4 years of medical school), starting in Greece and Italy then looping north via the mountains in Germany and Austria, Moldova, Czech Republic, connecting with Joyce somewhere, and joining David and Pia in Sweden. (I know I need to consult a few people, as well as a map, so no one be alarmed that I haven't asked for your opinion to be included in my travel plans!)
As you can see I am spending a lot of sleeping energy with my planning and dreaming. Early this morning (12 - 2) I sat at my computer making yet another photo book, inspired by something Bill had said Friday in yoga: Life is a mystery to be discovered, not a problem to be solved. Saturday after Kimi's class I bought some of the books she had suggested for 'creating a personal spiritual life': wonderful writings by Rumi, Thich Nhat Hanh, and Lama Surya Das, which ring true for me.
Today we are driving up the Willamette Valley to Bremer's Corner for a surprise visit with cousins, who will hopefully be there, not still in church. Then we plan to soak up the beauty of the Swan Island Dahlia Farm, selecting some bulbs for next spring planting, and visit the Oregon Garden, returning via the old ferry across the Willamette and home: a Sunday family drive from 'back in the day' like we would have done with Mom and Dad or with Grandpa and Grandma Wood.
Well if I don't end this soon, my husband may give up on me ever being ready to leave.

Medical update:
Still no chemo last Friday because the WBC and neutrophils (baby whites) are too low. So PLEASE consider that my resistance to infection is very low and it would be risky for me to be with any of you if you have the least indication of a cold, flu, or other infection. Please call me and postpone a visit or cancel as a driver if you fit the description above.
Because my platelets are also low, I am no longer using sharp instruments, so no more gardening or chopping veggies in the kitchen for a while. If anyone would like to come deadhead my flowers, particularly my roses, I would appreciate it and keep you company!

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