Sunday, September 27, 2009

With the last week of chemo complete, and just one more day of radiation, Ben and I plan to beat cleats to southern Oregon and northern California in search of the biggest, oldest trees on earth. We leave around noon Monday, tomorrow, and return in a week on Tuesday. After exploring the redwoods for a few days, we plan to drive north into southern Oregon to Brookings and Bandon and stay in the sunshine and salt air a few days before returning. Send on any travel advice for those areas.
While we are gone, Chris will be painting in our house, so we can avoid the noxious fumes and strained necks and shoulders involved in painting ceilings. Hopefully the tools Chris needs to conduct some diagnostic work on the moisture in our walls will arrive soon so we can proceed with cleaning up the two extra bedrooms. The longer range plan is to remove the carpet and refinish the wood floor, as well as put up knotty pine paneling and a Murphy bed in what was Billy's room, also known as my new sewing room. I fear Ben and I will be in hot negotiation as to the primary use of the remodeled room. I think he envisions his office, while I see a part time guest room and sewing room. After all there still is the other room that would be fine for an office, which would be a second office for him, after all. Follow my line of argument? We usually seem to resolve these blips with relative ease, but I would appreciate any biased opinions supporting my cause. Another project afoot is a remodel of our little shower/bathroom. Wally is doing the work, primarily tile and glass shower enclosure, with hand thrown ceramic sink. Ben will make a beautiful oiled rosewood counter top. Can't wait for a new, clean bathroom. Hopefully all these projects will be done before David and Pia return this way for Thanksgiving vacation. And maybe I will get a chance to sew the bedroom curtains I started a year ago. We'll see how well I can sit up to a sewing machine.
Medical Preview: A CT scan of the pancreas will take place M 10/19, doctors appointments the following few days, and HOPEFULLY surgery will be the option and will be scheduled by the end of October. Please direct your prayers and energies for the successful surgery option. All your positive energies, thoughts, and prayers are making a difference in how I feel about all this. You are all doing so much for me and for Ben. Thanks to each of you. Love to all, Pamela


  1. As a "modern" woman, I say, screw the sewing room and hire a seemstres for all upcoming sewing jobs. Make Ben pay for all sewing projects, since he will have the "office" (the man hut)and plenty of room to spread out the bills!
    Love Myra, Ralph, and Hannah
    Our prayers are with you! Hug a Redwood for us!

  2. Dear Pam !

    You are in our thoughts, we cross our fingers and send you our prayers for the surgery option and for your recovery.

    We are so glad to see that you have a blog that keeps us Swedish people updated.
    Have a wonderful time in Redwood and good luck with all your sewing plans =)

    Lots of hugs from Sweden/ Patrik & Josefin

  3. I would love to have a sewing room. For me sewing is kind of theraputic. At our house everyroom has to serve double duty. Have a great time in your travels. Michael and I haven't been to the Redwoods in about 5 years. My thoughts and prays are continually with you, and hope for the best possible out come.

