Thursday, November 19, 2009

I have been out of the hospital one week now, 2 weeks post surgery. The doctor at my appointment today was very pleased with my progress. The edema is gone so I can fit into my shoes more comfortably and see my ankle bones. I have been walking 2-3 times a day, not very far each time. My longest walk has been approximately 9 blocks round trip, but the fresh air feels great. Various friends have been visiting and bringing me soup and flowers and their good company, which I have enjoyed immensely. I essentially have no pain, so my primary 'medical' focus is to eat and process food. I have never felt so physical in my life. I'll spare you all the graphic gastrointestinal details but it is quite amazing listening to the eruptions and rumblings within my gut. Food is more and more appealing to me and I can't wait to be able to eat what I would call a normal meal comfortably. At least I WILL be able to eat portions of the Thanksgiving meal we plan to have here with 2 of our 3 sons. Billy will be in Sweden starting a one month internal medicine rotation thanks to Pia's family connections. David and Pia will be here with Zac and Ben and I.
As if we didn't already have a lot to deal with now, our dishwasher and clothes washer have broken down. As I type, Ben is making the modifications needed to hook up our new dishwasher. He chose some Swedish model that sounds promising. We are hoping to limp by a little longer with the clothes washer, as we would rather not spend more money right now on a new washer. Yikes!
I will probably not be writing any more often than once a week from now on, unless we have some unexpected developments. Phone or email if you want to connect.
Happy Thanksgiving.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Hi dear friends and family - I can't fully express how much all of your expressions of support and caring have helped Ben and me these past several days. Thank you, thank you, thank you. It feels good to be in our home. Today the changing weather was envigorating. I got out for a couple short walks and sat on my front porch a while soaking up the fresh air, something I missed at the hospital. It seems I won't really need much care at home, but I will enjoy visits from the people scheduled to come help. I am also enjoying phone calls. Feel free to call me on my cell phone, which I will turn off if resting. The challenge now is eating and processing food and the buildup of extra fluids in my body. Walking helps so I am attempting to keep up what I started in the hospital. You might be amused by my current odd figure (like a 5 month pregnant woman) but I won't post that. Again, thank you for your caring.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Good News!

The biopsy report came back today on the lymph nodes. Out of a dozen or more that were removed only one came back with cancer cells. Since all were removed from the area with clear margins This is really good news. The doctors were very pleased.

She will be leaving Providence tomorrow to go home.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Nov. 09. 09

Pam has had a couple of rough days. The transition from I.V. meds to pills has been a challenge. I was with her this morning and is doing much better. Perky and walking a lot, we have been timing the laps on the 7th. floor hallways, keeps getting faster.
She continues to take less and less pain meds which is good news. Eating has caused discomfort as the surgery put her system on hold for a bit, but now her appetite is starting to improve and is eating small amounts of yogurt, cream of wheat etc.. I'm taking some of her split pea soup up to her today.
All in all she is still up there in the 10% group. The doctors have said the recovery time is 6-8 weeks, this is only day 6, something we must keep in mind.
This is no cakewalk.
Some of you know how extensive the surgery was, for those who don't:
Removed half her stomach, the gall bladder, the duodenum, 70% of the Pancreas, all the tumor plus multiple lymph nodes leaving clear margins in the surrounding areas.
So now you know. There is no reason to ask Pam what they removed, it is anxiety provoking for her to discuss the extent of the surgery, so please don't ask her about it. We are of course glad the cancer has been removed.
Our energies now are focused on her recovery. Hopefully she will be home by Wednesday the 11th.
I so much admire her for the strength and courage she has shown through this. She is the Love of my life.
All the flowers and cards are displayed on the counter of her room. Thank you all so much!

Another topic: Before all of this came to pass. In July of this year My brother in law Bill Hood and I left Astoria Or. headed north to Vancouver Island and the San Juans in my Cape Dory 30 sailboat. Pam joined me on the trip down the Columbia to Astoria.
We made the passage offshore to Neah Bay Wa. in 32 hours. The Ocean is an incredible thing, a very humbling experience. The expanse, beauty and stars are something to behold.
We then ventured to Victoria and into the San Juans. Trip was cut short with the diagnosis. Videos: The first about halfway up the coast 12 miles out. Second a stunning sunset. The third just north of San Juan island on way to Orcas Island.
The plan was for Pam to join me for a week or two, pretending we were both retired! Next year for sure!

Friday, November 6, 2009

Update 11.06.09

The doctors are saying that Pam may be discharged as early as this Monday the 9 th.!

She is eating, walking, ordering me around and generally feeling much better. Today she spent very little time in bed, just a short nap in the afternoon.

Although tonight she has hit the wall from all the activity today.

The doctors have given her the (sort of ) full menu option, its cream of wheat cereal for dinner Apple sauce for desert.

A word from Pam:

While the possibility of going home soon and being off my very effective drugs is good news, it is also a little daunting. I only just got up and going much today. I am very grateful that many of you will be coming over the first 2 weeks I'm home. Now I am thinking it may mean helping me through a morning bathing and having a cup of tea with me. In the late morning to PM we could try a short neighborhood walk, soup, and then I will probably be OK on my own while I nap and wait for Ben to get home. We'll see how it goes.

We are looking forward to seeing you all. We will keep visits short and if there is any chance of a cold or bug of any kind, please, let's reschedule.

Today when Jeni, the nurse walked into the room, she looked at the flowers and cards and the sunlight coming in the west window and said there was such a nice energy in the room. I think it's the love you have all been sending. Thanks so much.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Nov. 05 Update

Pam was up today for two walks down the hallway and back. I could actually keep up with her. I'm sure the pace will quicken as in those dreaded west hills hill climbs she is so fond of taking.

The Doctors are very pleased and impressed with her progress. They have rated her in the top 10% of rapid recoveries. So that competitive spirit is doing quite well thank you. She is ahead of 90% of the other patients that have had the same procedure.

All the staff here are caring, professional and friendly...I overheard Billy and Zac whispering about some attractive nurse the other day. Everyone here is appreciated in a variety of ways apparently.
Pam wants to say something, I'm now her secretary. Pam is going to write this:

Hi everyone - I appreciate all the cards and flowers I have received. They have made my room cheerier. This place is actually quite posh: large single room with a view of the west hills, about 4 service providers, private sponge baths, fresh ice cubes, leg massagers, escorts for evening strolls and good drugs. I've enjoyed twice daily lengthy husband visits, not exactly conjugal. Zac and Billy and my mother and stepfather are frequent visitors. I do miss visits from my dear sisters and friends. You can call me for short phone calls on my cell phone, not my h9ospitall phone. That way I can turn my phone off when I am sleeping, and avoid falling out of my bed startled which I nearly did today.
Time to adjust my automatic leg massagers and go to bed.
Good night all, Love Pamela.

From Ben: Please keep the phone calls to 5 minutes or less.
I will be updating the blog everynight about this time.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Pam, is pleased that she feels as perky as she does the day after such a major surgery, the pain is manageable.
She is Much more alert now that the ansthetic has worn off. Forgive my spelling! if I make errors.
Lots of flowers and good wishes have arrived, thank you all.
I must remind folks that visitors are limited to just immediate family,( that is myself, David, Billy, Zac and Betty, even if it is just to deliver flowers. We are washing throughly before entering her room. These precautions have been established by Providence to protect their patients from outside infections, mainly H1N1 so please respect this rule.
I know a lot of you are anxious to see her. The opportunity will come after she is home for a while.
Not to hammer away at this but if you have any kind of sniffle, cough or any sign of not feeling 100% well, please refrain from coming into our home to visit. It will put me in a position of not allowing you to enter. I expect you to police yourself, no exceptions...
I want Pam to have every opportunity for a fast recovery as I know you all do.
We have pump hand sanitizers to wash with as you come in at the front door, please remember to use it.

Moving on: Pam was up out of bed and on her feet this morning for a sponge bath, I'm here posting this, Betty (Mom) will be coming by around 2:30 today to she her for the first time since before surgery.
Things look really good for a fast recovery.
Thank you all Ben

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Surgery update

We just had the consult with Dr. Hansen. The surgery was successfull! Pam did very well with little blood loss. Procedure was 9 hours.
I will post more details later, I'm emotionally exhausted right now. I will see her in about two hours after she is out of recovery.
More information tomorrow.
All the best Ben

Monday, November 2, 2009

golden gingko leaves on Council Crest Drive

Ben and David by scarlet ivy covering a house off Council crest

Pam enjoying the croquet game (I won, again!)

late afternoon croquet, Pam and Billy

Zac on the winning kickball team
The past 2 weeks have been full with seeing friends and family, finishing home projects, making and freezing batches of soup, and getting ready for surgery and recovery the best I can. The photos capture some of our family activities of the last couple days. Zac's kickball team came in first in their division after an exciting final game Sunday. Billy found a couple hours between rotations to play croquet in our backyard. I came from behind to beat him and Ben. Sunday night, David flew in from Colorado. Today we slept in then hung out around home visiting. Billy dropped by between rotations again for a meal and another round of croquet. Our new lawn made for a nice course. Later David, Ben and I went for a late afternoon walk in the Council Crest neighborhood, enjoying the low sun and the fall colors. Tonight Zac will drop by after classes for a visit before we all go to bed. We will be up early tomorrow to be at the hospital by 6AM. Surgery is scheduled for 8AM. Mom will join Ben and David at the hospital, with Zac and Billy coming between classes and work. My sisters will come by also. With their love and vigilence and the love of my extended family and dear friends, I feel well supported. I can't say I am looking forward to the surgery, but I am grateful that surgery is an option, and I am hopeful that the skillful medical team and the resilience of my otherwise-healthy body will assure a successful surgery and strong recovery. Ben will keep you posted. Thanks for all of your well wishes and prayers.