Friday, November 13, 2009

Hi dear friends and family - I can't fully express how much all of your expressions of support and caring have helped Ben and me these past several days. Thank you, thank you, thank you. It feels good to be in our home. Today the changing weather was envigorating. I got out for a couple short walks and sat on my front porch a while soaking up the fresh air, something I missed at the hospital. It seems I won't really need much care at home, but I will enjoy visits from the people scheduled to come help. I am also enjoying phone calls. Feel free to call me on my cell phone, which I will turn off if resting. The challenge now is eating and processing food and the buildup of extra fluids in my body. Walking helps so I am attempting to keep up what I started in the hospital. You might be amused by my current odd figure (like a 5 month pregnant woman) but I won't post that. Again, thank you for your caring.


  1. Pam-

    You are one strong soul. Time feels different when you are in a hospital but when you are released, that first bit of air is one of the many sweetest thing one could ever smell. Aren't we lucky to enjoy this big beautiful mysterious life?

    I'll be chanting an AUM for you tomorrow morning. Our practice is yours.



  2. I am so very, very glad that you are up and 'running'. The Farmer's Market?? You amaze me! I love you so very much!

  3. Pam - I know it must be hard - so many changes - but it seemed as if you were as ready as possible. You spirit is one to behold - My thoughts are with you.


  4. Pam,
    I love you so much and am thinking of you always. I hope to get up there on my break from school. Would love to spend some time with you. Take care of yourself and don't push too hard:) I love you so much. Will call soon.
