Friday, November 6, 2009

Update 11.06.09

The doctors are saying that Pam may be discharged as early as this Monday the 9 th.!

She is eating, walking, ordering me around and generally feeling much better. Today she spent very little time in bed, just a short nap in the afternoon.

Although tonight she has hit the wall from all the activity today.

The doctors have given her the (sort of ) full menu option, its cream of wheat cereal for dinner Apple sauce for desert.

A word from Pam:

While the possibility of going home soon and being off my very effective drugs is good news, it is also a little daunting. I only just got up and going much today. I am very grateful that many of you will be coming over the first 2 weeks I'm home. Now I am thinking it may mean helping me through a morning bathing and having a cup of tea with me. In the late morning to PM we could try a short neighborhood walk, soup, and then I will probably be OK on my own while I nap and wait for Ben to get home. We'll see how it goes.

We are looking forward to seeing you all. We will keep visits short and if there is any chance of a cold or bug of any kind, please, let's reschedule.

Today when Jeni, the nurse walked into the room, she looked at the flowers and cards and the sunlight coming in the west window and said there was such a nice energy in the room. I think it's the love you have all been sending. Thanks so much.


  1. Hi Pam,

    I just recently heard about what you are going through. You are amazing, but I found that out from your work with the students are Bridger. You will get through this because of your determination and strength.

    One word of advise(I'm sure you have plenty) but from one natural exerciser to another, stay on the train when it comes to the pain. If you don't, it gets away from you and it's hard to get back on. I have had/still do deal with the pain meds. from some back issues that I have been dealing with. I found that having food in my stomach( Even though you might not feel like eating) at all times really helped and a good shoulder to cry on (the meds play tricks on your brain).

    I wouldn't be able to help during the week, but my husband and I could help on the weekends. Add us to your list of helpers. I'll let Janet know we are available too.

    My thoughts and love are with you on your road to recovery.

    love Laurie Shonkwiler

  2. Hi Pam! We are so thankful your surgery was so successful and that you are doing far and above what can be expected on the road to recovery.
    "You go girl" and keep up the good work! We both send our love and will continue praying that the Lord will complete your healing and you will have your strength back again soon. Elroy & Bev Knutson
