Thursday, November 19, 2009

I have been out of the hospital one week now, 2 weeks post surgery. The doctor at my appointment today was very pleased with my progress. The edema is gone so I can fit into my shoes more comfortably and see my ankle bones. I have been walking 2-3 times a day, not very far each time. My longest walk has been approximately 9 blocks round trip, but the fresh air feels great. Various friends have been visiting and bringing me soup and flowers and their good company, which I have enjoyed immensely. I essentially have no pain, so my primary 'medical' focus is to eat and process food. I have never felt so physical in my life. I'll spare you all the graphic gastrointestinal details but it is quite amazing listening to the eruptions and rumblings within my gut. Food is more and more appealing to me and I can't wait to be able to eat what I would call a normal meal comfortably. At least I WILL be able to eat portions of the Thanksgiving meal we plan to have here with 2 of our 3 sons. Billy will be in Sweden starting a one month internal medicine rotation thanks to Pia's family connections. David and Pia will be here with Zac and Ben and I.
As if we didn't already have a lot to deal with now, our dishwasher and clothes washer have broken down. As I type, Ben is making the modifications needed to hook up our new dishwasher. He chose some Swedish model that sounds promising. We are hoping to limp by a little longer with the clothes washer, as we would rather not spend more money right now on a new washer. Yikes!
I will probably not be writing any more often than once a week from now on, unless we have some unexpected developments. Phone or email if you want to connect.
Happy Thanksgiving.


  1. Hello!
    We often think a lot of you. Nice to read about all the progress. This weekend is your son in our city. A rainy and gray Karlstad. November is the worst month in Sweden. Hope all of you can come here and visit us a nice summer month. Although it may be rainy and gray then as well. We will travel to Örebro tomorrow and watch some floorball. It's our son Christian who playes. Hope we can meet Billy, Josefin and Patrik then. Want to thank you once again for our wonderful stay in the U.S., summer 2007. All the kindness and hospitality. Great to meet you. We are not so good in English so we used a translation program. Hope it will not be too hard to reed. Take care of each other. Warm Greetings from Stefan o Susanne.

  2. Would love to hear how you are doing!

