Saturday, May 8, 2010

Jack continues to grow and to entertain us and warm our hearts. Last week Ben finished fencing around the back yard so that Jack can now run freely there. He has been spending a little more time with me this past week. Some days Ben has been dropping Jack back home after my morning yoga and tea routine. Jack helps me dig outside and naps a bit in the afternoon. Ben is still the primary care giver, but I am getting more involved. We have done a couple walks with Leslie and Sophie. Jack loves to walk right with Sophie and she tolerates his puppiness. We have been to Crystal Springs again; may go there again tomorrow with the boys for Mother's Day, or someplace else where Jack would be welcome.

You may find it entertaining to know just how much I eat these days. As far as I can tell, I haven't gained any weight, but then I haven't lost any pounds in a long time either. Still holding around 101#. And when you hear how much I eat, you will be amazed. Take today: I started with my usual large bowl of cooked rice cereal, served up with 1/2 T. of butter and 1/3 cup of rich coconut milk. I needed that to hold me until I could eat breakfast at the church with my sisters. There I ate two servings of an egg and cheese dish, a small sausage baked in a biscuit, a bite-sized muffin with butter, a slice of chocolate chip zucchini bread, and a bowl of fresh fruit. When I got home, I pulled weeds and planted perennials for a couple hours until it was time to meet my friend Joanne for lunch. We shared two delicious Thai dishes at Cha Ba Thai on NE Alberta (great food). Being absolutely stuffed, we decided to walk, rather than drive, the mile to Petite Provence for a little something sweet. For me, that sweet thing was butter-packed almond bear claw, mmmmm. I got home late afternoon, with a couple hours to work in the garden again before we had to leave once more for a benefit dinner. The Indian meal began with humus and pita bread, so good that I ate about 5 pieces. Next was a tomato, ginger, coconut milk soup. Ben and I chose different main courses, which we shared: lamb kebabs with cauliflower and rice, and chicken curry with potatoes and rice. We were expected to bid for a dessert, but by then we were all tired and ready to be home. Back at home, I toasted two slices of cinnamon bread to which I added butter and cinnamon sugar. And now I am eating my last meal: another bowl of cooked rice cereal, with butter and coconut milk. That should hold me until morning when I get to start all over. As you can figure out, I spend a lot of time each day preparing food and eating. Hopefully some of it will begin to stick to my bones. In the meantime, I am enjoying eating as much as I want.
This is the kind of lilac, Lemoine, that we just planted after seeing it at the lilac gardens in Battleground, WA, a couple weeks ago. 
Happy Mother's Day to all you mothers. Being a mother has been my greatest joy in life.

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