Sunday, August 8, 2010

Medical Update: All things considered, I am doing well. I have certainly seen others faring far worse. That being said, I don't feel so good. Thursday I had a catheport installed below my left collar bone. That procedure was uneventful and has turned out to be a good descision, but that was a whole day procedure that left me drugged and tired the rest of the day. The infusion on Friday was easy. The nurse just poked the IV, or whatever tube it was, through the thin diaphragm of skin, connecting with a major vein in my chest that goes to my heart. All future blood draws and IVs will use this port. No more poking my veins, which had become tough and rolled when the nurses would try to place the needles. I felt surprisingly good all day Friday with high hopes of going to an art opening of a friend at 6 and niece Moriah's show at 8 at Hawthorne Theatre, but I hit the wall: severe abdominal cramping, diarrhea, vomiting, chills. I was so bummed to not hear Moriah perform her music she has written, again. By about 10, I was coming round and invited Moriah and HER Billy to stop by for an introduction. Jane and Gary and MY Billy came as well, and we had a pleasant visit. Saturday, the chemo hit me and since then, I have felt fluish, with the usual symptoms, magnified by the oscillating of the sailboat we have been on since Saturday evening. I suspect that this will pass as it did three weeks before, after a few more days. But this leads me to decide against the yoga workshop scheduled the day after my next chemo appointment.

Dinner Break

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