Saturday, August 14, 2010

medical update

Medical Update: For those of you who want the details, things have improved in some ways, off in others. The nausea is pretty much gone. But the diarrhea has increased again, so I stopped taking the Xeloda (oral chemo) until that's under better control. Probably I will restart it in a couple days, when I can get my toilet sessions down to 8 @ day. Imagine that; or not; it's exhausting! I do get tired, but then I often awake without alarms after 6 hours sleep, so not surprising I might be tired. I haven't been taking many naps because there is so much I want to do.

For example, this past week, I went to 4 yoga classes. After class, I had tea and chatted with some of the other students, my friends. Tuesday, we walked down to the Central Library to hear a Buddhist monk explain about mandalas and the mandala that a group of monks from Tibet (I think) are going to make, using colored sand and deep spiritual meaning. On the way, we ate at food carts, sampling the available world fare. That day I didn't last long and needed to get home to nap. In the afternoon, my sister-in-law Ingrid came for a visit, and we had Billy over for dinner, so the nap was short. I don't remember what happened Wednesday; a lot of shopping errands I think. One day in there I did some deadheading and weeding, nurturing activities for me. Probably that was Wednesday before I had my nails done in the afternoon. Thursday I joined some old (as in long ago) friends from my Early Bird running days for a walk. Dick Anderson, Roger and Linda Jensen, Sheryl Fuller, Ron Gotcher, and I, took a rather short and direct route to Starbucks on NW 23rd and back. There was a day when we all ran on a Hood-to-Coast Team, a 12-person relay from Timberline Lodge at Mt Hood to the coast, first to Pacific City, and later years to Seaside. In the afternoon, Leslie and I sat down and planned the menu, and shopping and to do lists, for the tea we are having tomorrow, here. Thursday night, we went to Artists' Repertory Theatre to usher, but were released to come home to an early bedtime when we saw that they had more than enough ushers. Friday during yoga, I had another esophageal spasm, #9 on the pain scale, for 25 minutes. It finally completely relaxed after about 45 minutes. If you have never had this, let me say it feels like a heart attack, some say worse than a heart attack. I had had this happen about a month ago while in the Japanese Garden with Joanne. Then, we called for an ambulance, and after several tests, heart attack was conclusively ruled out. Friday, I had not yet filled my prescription for nitroglycerin so I had no remedy but to relax and wait. The yoga room with supportive friends and teacher was the best place for me. Thank you to Delores and Nick who drove me to the pharmacy and home. After a nap and food, I went to my mother's home to visit and repair jewelry. Ben came too and we stayed for dinner. That brings us to today. I awoke early so went to the 7 AM class, expecting all day to nap, but it's 6 PM and still no nap. I think I will lie down a bit anyway. Later we need to buy tart pans and place mats at Bed Bath and Beyond so I can start preparing food for the tea tomorrow. Leslie is busy shopping and cooking as well.

Did I say I have the world's best husband? He has been so supportive through all this medical/life crisis. He is always my back up, often my first, driver to appointments. He knows how to help and when to back off, which is important with an independently minded woman like me. At home, he has finished all the wood window interiors, some doors, and the wall bed, made cabinets and counters out of beautiful woods for the two bathrooms, made the shower stall pan (no small feat), painted, and done all the yard work. Oh my gosh! I used to be the gardener and now I just dabble, but he was out there in 100 degree heat today mowing, edging, and weeding so the yard would look beautiful for the tea. He has also taken full responsibility for our puppy Jack. So he's a busy guy. We can laugh and cry together, talk and just be still. Sorry girls, but I got the best one.

I think I will lie down now for a brief nap, although I am a bit hungry. Darn. A lot left to do tonight. Tomorrow Leslie is coming over at 8 AM so we can assemble all the sandwiches and tarts and get everything in order. Stay tuned for a review of the tea.

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