Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Good news

Good news came in the mail. The oncologist repeated that he was pleased that the CT scan showed no growth of the tumor. But the best news was that the cancer marker they follow in my blood dropped nearly 50%. It is still high up there but the decrease was a strong indication that the chemo is doing the job to stop the progress of the cancer. Wish my body felt better, but there is always tomorrow. Today was tough. I awoke exhausted so I did't go to yoga. Then I had another esophageal spasm. That wiped me out. I napped and took it very easy all day. Ben was here 1/2 the day and is here now making dinner and scanning old snapshots so I can make photo books. Jack was beside himself waiting for me to finish patching up his teddy so he could have him back to alternately thrash and snuggle.
That's enough for now.

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