Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Belinda Kegg Reagan and Clown (Polly Waller)

Polly was delighted to inherit my tap shoes. 

Pam, Joann Hardy (my HS dance partner), and Polly Waller, all best friends as far back as first grade at old Sylvan School.
Can you tell we had a great time reminiscing and laughing. We plan to continue meetingand maintain these old bonds.

Later in the afternoon, my good friend Leslie Dale came over. Jack immediately curled up next to her .

The final photo here is of our Patriot Hostas. This year their blooms are spectacular. 

I am fading fast here and having a hard time navigating where I want on this blog. I just wanted briefly to make a medical update: After a week of oral chemo and the initial infusion, I had lost weight, down to 95#, and had an increase in bowel issues. So the doctor had me discontinue the oral chemo until things were under better control. And now they are (only 4-6 poops a day!) and I just restarted the oral meds. I also took my usual cocktail of other drugs and am feeling a bit loopy. So it's time to sign off. 
Later, Pamela

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